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Youth and EYC

We invite all youth from 6th-12th grade to join us in our laid back settings on most Sundays. In the mornings, 9am, we share a meal together from the fellowship hall to the youth room. Followed by peer lead Sunday School, 9:30am. This is not your average Sunday School classes we use games, media, and small projects to teach us about the love of God. Later on in the afternoons we have fellowship time and compline


Everyone will be given opportunities to grow and reach out, making a difference, and becoming productive members of society. Our intended learning outcomes are for your children to grow in peace, learn with love, while becoming stewards of God’s creation.


See God in your everyday. From cooking, music, nature, sports, and school. Our youth at St. Thomas learn how to worship not only in a church setting but how to worship every day. Too often there is a separation of when it is appropriate to pray and what is prayer. Prayer can take place any where at any time. Learning to give thanks for our many blessings through out the day leads to a happier well rounded life.


Come as you are.....


Please feel free to view some of the adventures we have had together in our photos!


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